Yunzhun Bloger's

Minggu, 25 September 2011


Story from Experiment 1
There once was a girl named Sally. One day, Sally’s class had show and tell. Sally’s best friend,
Cathy, showed a picture that she had painted. Cathy told the class how she had made it. Sally
was jealous of her friend’s project. *1 Sally wanted to do something special for show and tell.
*2 Sally got an arts and crafts book from the library. That afternoon, she read the arts and crafts
book. *3 The book had pictures of candles. *4 Sally wanted to make a red candle. * Sally
found out that candles can be made by melting crayons and pouring them in a cup. She found
some crayons and a cup in the kitchen. She put the crayons into the cup. * There were not
enough crayons to fill the cup. * Sally wanted to buy some crayons. * Sally took some money
from her bank. She walked to the shopping mall. Sally found the arts supply store. She went
into the arts supply store. She talked to the sales lady about crayons. The lady showed Sally a
lot of boxes. Sally picked out a large box of crayons. She asked the lady how much the box cost.
The lady told Sally that the box cost $2.50. * Sally bought the box of crayons. * Sally took her
new crayons home. Sally melted the new crayons. * Sally held a string in the cup. The wax
hardened quickly. Sally had made a beautiful candle. * Sally put her new candle in a holder. She
decorated the candle with a ribbon. * The next day Sally carried the candle to school. Sally
asked the teacher if she could be in show and tell. The teacher agreed. * Sally won the grandprize
blue ribbon for her candle. * Sally was glad the teacher liked her show and tell project. *

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